• a korean keyboard    相關企業商業資訊
    1. Inputec Inc

      We manufactures and markets a diverse Computer Peripherals including Keyboards, Mice, Hubs and Laptop Cooling Stands as well since 2001. The Company is sales-leading in overseas with manufacturing sites in Taiwan and China. Many of our products enhance product portability and manufacturing simplici...

      電話:02-27201680    地址:新北市土城區明德路一段45號
    2. 易韋有限公司

      ...for CCJK languages (Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and Korean).

      電話:02-23563035    地址:台北市大安區羅斯福路二段33號12樓
    3. 磯慶實業股份有限公司

      ...f our products are shipped to Europe. The rest of 15 % goes to Japanese or Korean, Australia and New Zealand markets. Our yearly sales volume is 20 million US Dollars. We have had and expect in the future 20 % yearly increase.All our operations at office are computerized. The ERP system is running i...

      電話:04-23327908    地址:台中市霧峰區中正路557巷21-1號
    4. 美泰塑膠股份有限公司

      ...umer markets. In addition, Mae Tay distributes a variety of well-known PDA keyboard and touch panel items.Our presence extends throughout the world. Major markets include the Americas, Europe, and the Far East.The number and scope of our operations alone does not make Mae Tay a world-class company. ...

      電話:02-26204177    地址:新北市淡水區山仔邊路2-5號
    5. 伊奧利安音樂廳

      ...音樂廳徵才項目 :急徵招生企劃能力行政人員 西洋樂器 : Keyboard, Strings ,Woodwinds, Harp, 幼兒團體 班 老師 ( 師資認證 ) 有團體班經驗者佳 . 具實力教學經驗國內外音樂系畢歡迎外籍師資加入 . 五星級教學環境位於高雄市信義國小校...

      電話:07-2352678    地址:高雄市新興區七賢一路180號

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